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Starting from the marshes at Morston, which are owned by the National Trust, this 5.5 mile (8km) walk weaves its way away from the coast along the Norfolk Coast Path National Trail, through woodland adjacent to a babbling river to the village of Cockthorpe. Standing on a ridge of high land, Cockthorpe offers stunning views all around.

Heading back, the route passes through the old Langham Airfield indicatated now only by the concrete tracks and the poultry sheds which seem to dominate so many disused airfields. The airfield was built during the Second World War and was a base for planes including Beaufighters, Hurricanes, Mosquitoes and Wellingtons.

Looking down towards the coast Blakeney Point can be seen. This shingle ridge or 'spit' is 4.5 miles long and is built up by the action of the sea.

This walk is accessible by public transport via the Coast Hopper bus service. 

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