The trail was full on interest, exploring Sedbury Cliffs and Chepstow on our first day we followed the 12 Stage route in Mike Dunn's Cicerone guide. Chepstow to Monmouth was a tough day carrying all our kit, food and equipment. Though the woodland the dyke runs thruogh and views of Tintern Abbey were interesting. Monmouth to Pandy was straight forward and we did taste the local cider at the Hunters Moon Inn, those last few Kilometres seemed to go quickly on the cider! Crossing the Blacks to Haye on Wye was a wet misty day for us, but straight forward - it's our local playground from home for mountain days out. A highlight the next to arriving in Kington was crossing the Hergest Ridge and admiring the long ranging views of rolling countryside. Arriving at Knighton we enjoyed the visitors centre learning more about the history of the Dyke, but we enjoyed the tea and cake even more. The next day was by far one of the toughest, up and down, up and down, and repeat several times over. The food and beer in Montgomery were very welcome that evening.  The next couple of days were straightforward and it was interesting to follow the canal, noting alot of wildlife living along the canal. Really interesting was the Llanymynech Quarries and their history and of course crossing the Froncycllte Aquaduct was an experience - just look at your feet is a tip when walking across. The walk behind Tan -y- Castell in the scree slopes towards worlds end was really good and such a feeling of isolation. Tea and cake in Llandegla community cafe and shop were welcome and the walk to Bodfari the next day was hard with alot of ups and downs in the Berwyns broken up by tea and cake at the sherpherds hut at Moel Famau, but the views and history made up for all the sweat. So finally Bodfari to Prestayn was the wind down, but we really liked walking on the cliffs above Prestyn the sea front promenade getting closer with every step. Photos and an ice cream were order of the day and a fish and chip dinner as a reward for hiking the 177 miles in 12 days. A great trail full of historical and natural interest and lots of variety on the route itself.

Dyddiad Cwblhau