I completed the trail between May 30th and June 10th 2015 along with my long-time friend Richard Green, walking from south to north.Apart from the second full day in, going from Pandy to Hay-on-Wye, we had outstanding weather and I would recommend it a good time of year to do the walk - sunny but not too hot and little rain. On the day in question, we walked the Black Mountains ridge portion and faced horizontal driving rain and wind which knocked us of our feet. We only saw one other group of two walkers that day - the least we saw on the whole trip. While it was a tough day, it was for me the most satisfying accomplishment of the walk.The whole trail is amazing, with terrific variances in terrain as you progress from south to north. Fantastic!Of the people we met on the trail, there was interestingly a majority of Canadians, including 2 ladies who were on a similar schedule to ours until we got to about halfway, when our planned pace quickened.Spending a large part of the summer in Canada myself afterwards, I was so effusive in describing my experience to 2 neighbours, they intend to walk the whole trail themselves in 2016.Really enjoyed it and makes me want to do another trail before too long.

Dyddiad Cwblhau