We did the route over 6 trips and 13 days, as and when we could sneak away and, I have to say, we thoroughly enjoyed every minute. The countryside we passed through was so varied and lovely that it hard to imagine what we will do next.Basically the route panned out as follows:May 10-11th, 2014 Sudbury to Pandy; August 3-5th, 2014 Pandy to Knighton; October 11-12th, 2014 Kinghton to Montgomery; November 8th, 2014 Mongomery to Welshpool; March 14-15th, 2015 Welshpool to Chirk and finally June26-28th 2015 Chirk to Prestatyn. We mainly used public transport to get us to the start and finish points (wit the odd taxi thrown in occasionally) and stopped B&B en route. We stayed in some great places and met some very interesting people.

Dyddiad Cwblhau