The walk was from north to south, starting out on 8th May from Prestatyn on the sea front in the rain and wind. Over the next 8 days we walked in mainly dry weather with some showers and one very windy, wet day. It was for most of the time quite windy and mostly in our faces. The countryside was beautiful and I was surprised at how far we could walk and still see the sea at Prestatyn and the Dee estuary.It was a great experience and quite testing over so few days, averaging over twenty four miles a day.The Offa's Dyke centre was very interesting and helped me understand more about the Dyke and the Association.I enjoyed the experience with my ex-colleague and friend Dominc Whitmarsh Everiss MBE  who kept the pace up for us and allowed me to achieve this challenge at aged 65  -so thanks to him for that and to my wife and family for putting up wth weeks of practice walks and time away.I would recommend the walk to everyone but be sure to recognise that it is hard if you are walking the whole route in 8 straight days. If I do it again, I would slow the pace to have more time to enjoy the numerous views and experiences to be seen on the way, from castles to aquaducts and the spectacular view of Tintern Abbey from the Offa's Dyke path via a break in the woodland canopy. They all need and deserve time to appreciate them.Thanks to Rob and all the people that make/ have made it possible for us to be able to enjoy this experience.   

Dyddiad Cwblhau