Walking Offa's Dyke has been a long held ambition of mine and, finally on 29th August, my husband and I started our walk over sixteen days.  We were so lucky to have perfect walking weather.  Our waterproofs came out as we left Monmouth on day 3 but only stayed on for about half an hour.  Otherwise we had sunny, warm weather.  It was a bit overcast over the Clwydian Hills so that we could not see clearly the far distant mountains of Snowdonia but it didn't matter a bit.  We were also lucky to come across fellow walkers who were staying in many of the B & Bs and hotels in which we were staying and for many days we walked with them too, enhancing our trek.  In short, it was an amazing, exhilarating experience and my husband, who would admit that he had not been as keen as me to do the walk, was entirely converted and said he found it totally addictive. 

Dyddiad Cwblhau