We booked a journey to Wales of 15 days, not really knowing what we were getting in to. We knew there were many hills and comparing with other routes we thought that 15 - 25 km a day would be about right. We also splitted the middle stretch in two, to get to "rest days". We are happy we didn't walk it faster. Many hills, lots of wonderful views, and though straneous we enjoyed the walk instead of just rushing through it. We have had lovely stays in B&B:s along the way, not having much to complain about. A full english/welsh breakfast in the morning kept us going until early afternoon and then we filled up with whatever we managed to find in the villages. Good homecooked food and ales in local pubs are also part of the experience.Not too much pain, just some tired knees and toes, and we think we have managed well. But no national trail compares to the others. We put most work into this one, with all its hills and valleys.We most enjoyed the Clwydian range, partly because of the lovely views, partly because we had gotten used to climbing the hills without wearing ourselves out completely.With all due respect for the actual Dyke, but that was the worst part to walk. Lots of stones, badgers holes and slippery paths that made the walk more difficult. A grassy track over a field with sheep or up on the moor is much better.

Dyddiad Cwblhau