Wedi’i ychwanegu at eich Cynllunydd Taith isod
Cyfrifiannell pellter
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Ewch o un opsiwn i’r llall isod i ddangos y marcwyr sydd ar gael.
Cyffredinol Marchogaeth BeicioLlety
Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb
Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb
Pwyntiau o ddiddordeb
Mae'r proffil o uchder eich teithlen yn cael ei greu pan fyddwch yn defnyddio’r cyfrifiannell pellter (uchod) i dynnu llinell.
Mae'r proffil o uchder eich teithlen yn cael ei greu pan fyddwch yn defnyddio’r cyfrifiannell pellter i dynnu llinell.

THE Redcar Beacon offers visitors the chance to enjoy 360 degree views of Redcar seafront.
Admission to the 80ft Beacon is free
Visiting Times:
The building is open from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, seven days a week closed Christmas Day.
How To Find The Beacon:
The Redcar Beacon is located on Redcar Seafront. Parking is available on Newcomen Terrace.
Redcar Beacon facts:
The Beacon opened to the public on 28 March 2013
The Beacon is 80ft high and has seven floors
There are 132 steps (and a lift!)
The Beacon took 12 months to build
It includes a two-storey café with open terraces offering 360 degree views
There are four floors of business space
A sky lounge for meetings and events
The top floor is an open roof terrace offering fantastic views all year round
Eco features include an energy efficient heat recovery system and solar reflective glazing
The Beacon is included in a LED lights installation which runs the full length of the seafront to the bandstand
The project is part funded by the Council, One North East and the European Regional Development Fund 2007-2013.