The big adventure started on the 2nd of September, 2015. The two of us only weekend walkers and in our late 50's decided to complete the walk over 17 days finishing on the 18th September, 2015. Had we bitten off more than we could chew?First day, two big mistakes, forgot to include the walk from Chepstow to Sedbury Cliffs and back, so thinking 8.6 miles to Tintern ended up nearly 14 miles. Advice to everyone completing this walk carry as little as possible, we were so weighted down.We were very fortunate with the weather only one full day raining and one day, 1 hour in the morning. The views over the Black Mountains were incredible, what you soon realise is when you climb a hill, you then have to come down, up/down/up/down and the switch back was a killer.We met some lovely people, who were able to give us advice and their valuable experiences, they were very kind, thank you.Both my husband and I have seen some lovely sights, been chased by cows and had some lovely meals. (Best breakfast was in the Seven Stars in Hay on Wye).The sense of achievement is great we still look back and think, did we actually do this. Without doubt an experience of a lifetime and thoroughly enjoyable. 

Dyddiad Cwblhau