Thirteen days of walking Offa's Dyke Path in gorgeous weather. In more than a dozen visits to the UK, including two other long-distance walks (Hadrian's Wall and Pembrokeshire Coast Path), I've never seen such relentlessly spectacular weather. One half-day of rain, a couple other brief cloudbursts, but everything else was dry and usually in blazing sun. A total delight.I was very impressed with the Path. It constantly surprised me with its ability to change character again and again in the space of just a few minutes' walk. Plenty of farmland, naturally, but also woods, cliffs, ridges, canals, ancient racecourses, and even a fairway or two.If you're thinking about trying the walk, don't underestimate it! A couple days were tough, with some very steep sections indeed. But the rewards make it worthwhile.As usual, all of my hosts along the way went out of their way to be gracious and welcoming. I'm so glad that I took the time to visit Offa's Dyke.

Dyddiad Cwblhau