For the first time I walked a trail like this with my dog Jamie, a 2 yr. old Australian Shepherd. We had to go by car to Chepstow to take Jamie to the UK - the first challenge of our trip, because we came all the way from Salzburg, Austria. I thought, we were well prepared for the Welsh Borderland with the Alps in our Backyard back home. But the Borderland with all the ups and downs was quite challenging.The weather was perfect: 18 degrees - maybe less rain would have been better. But anyway: our walk and stays were well prepared by "Celtic Trails" based on the daily walking distance of the route in the book by Ernie and Kathy Kay. Offa´s Dyke Path is a perfect trail for dog owners and their companion. I started with Jamie after 2 days of taveling to Chepstow on the 24 th of July and arrived in Prestatyn on the 4th of August with 2 days of resting. It was a good idea to start on a Monday because the majority usualy starts on Friday/Saturday. And it was a very good idea to have celtic trails as a emergency backup 24/7 and to take care of the luggage inluding the dog food. Thanks to all our very friendly welsh hosts for this wonderful experience. We learned a lot about welsh history, culture and life in that fascinating country. Geertje and Jamie.

Dyddiad Cwblhau