Booked last minute, we rushed off on Saturday 12th September, missing the train to Chepstow and having to cadge a lift from our son-in-law! Not the best start and in the same vein, we rushed the first day, taking a wrong turn which cost us an extra 2 miles, and then refused to take the 'easy' route along the river, preferring instead to walk over the hill. The outcome was aching legs the next day and badly damaged knee that required a compression bandage for the rest of the walk!! That taught us a lesson to relax and enjoy the walks, take our time and follow the acorns. With this in mind the rest of the walk was superb. Each day was different, hill climbs, flat terrain, woodland, pretty canals, fields of sheep, cows, crops, siltes, gates, lanes,... views to die for, all here in Wales (and England of course!)............. not to mention all the lovely welcoming B&Bs we stayed in along the way - that's a story in itself!... and then there are all the other walkers we met along the way, Americans, Australians, Canadians... even a couple from the Carribean... not to mention the good ol' Brits :)We are so thrilled now to say that we have walked the length of our country and had the opoportunity to have seen it from such a different perspective. It was a total chill of a holiday, just plenty of fresh air and fantastic views each day, relaxation and comfortable B&Bs and eating out at local pubs. We felt as though we had been in a different land for two weeks and came back thoroughly refreshed and relaxed.We would ercommend it to anyone and are already looking at other National Paths to tackle :) :) 

Dyddiad Cwblhau