we Started on Monday 6th September in Chepstow on a claggy morning and set off to Monmouth some 16 miles away. It stayed claggy but by the afternoon we were blessed with sunshine that would hold all the way up past Oswestry. The first day was long and you think another 11 days like this. we carried our kit as the transfer baggage option for them to do this and B&B is far to costly. after we did our own B&B booking the differance in price was over £600. and we could carry kit  and have meet up ppoints with Family and friends further up the route.The second day to pandy was enjoyable and we met a couple Ron and Carol who would be on the path to knighton with us . they were on the way to John o groats ( in weekly walks) day 3 was a jaunt up the Black mountains the day we looked forward to the most having walked these hills before. The ridge was a great walk and a trip To hay on wye is always a pleasure.Day 4  to Kington and a surprise of tea and biscuits at Newchurch and Gladstrey churches. its finished with the Hergest ridge.  this was the first day our son would meet us to swap over some kit. Day 5 was a meander to Knightonwhich at 14 miles we did in 6 hours our quickest walking day. Knighton is fantastic for coffee shops and the Offa Dykes centre.Day 6 this was a killer. the route to Montgomery over the Shropshire hills. Just after Newcastle we pass the halfway mark of 88 miles. we were to stop and get a taxi from Brompton. No one would come so it was a walk to Montgomery a 19 mile day and 1400m of ascent. a tough day.Day 7 due to the long day we were to stop in Welshpool from Butterton, but being brough up near Llanymynech i knew the path from there to four crosses is flat so we carried on and made this day longer to shorten the days further up the path and we were being met by our son again for a lift back to welshpool. and checking the bus time table we could catch the bus back to four crosses in the morning.Day 8 A great breakfast at the Royal oak Day we went from four crosses through my boyhood home past Trefonen and up to Old Oswestry racecourse.We caught a taxi back to Oswestry for our B&B. we were now well into walk and distance covered. Day 9 From Oswestry Racecourse we would get back onto our planned schedule and walk to Llangollen. It was this afternoon that we had 3 hours of torrential rain the only rain we had in 2 weeks.  in llangollen we had the best night on the path, Geufron Hall the best b&b we had well worth staying here.Day 10  and an enjoyable walk to meet a local friend in llandegla. Howie had brought us a hulsons pie and the church at llandegal also does tea and coffee. We woud walk to the start of the Clwydian range. we stopped in llanarmen yr ial as Clwyd gate said it was closed, however it is OPEN.Day 11 and the Clwydian range is full of ups and down. Moel Famau is a busy place especially with good weather. but the views on both sides was fantatstic. we met Howie on the last hill for our walk to Bodfari.we stayed at tan yr Onnen which said it was on the path but it is but not at ant stargeic walking point being near Rhualtt which is 7 miles into the path or from the end . we also bumped into Ralph who would complete on the same day as us.Full of the end in sight last day cheer day 12  was a lovely walk to the coast. a bit hilly over 850m of ascent today and a sting in the tail walking along the cliff at Prestatyn. you walk over a mile through the town to reach the end and the joy in completion was great. 30 years i have wanted to do Offas Dyke a great feeling.The route says 178 miles my gps recorded 193 and over 31000ft of ascent. a walk on my homelands done and one you will love

Dyddiad Cwblhau