14/5: Sedbury/Monmouth, 15/5: Monmouth/Pandy, 16/5: Pandy/Hay-on-Wye, 17/5: Hay-on-Wye/Kington, 18/5: Kington/Knighton, 19/5: Knighton/Drewin Farm, 20/5: Drewin Farm/Welshpool, 21/5: Welshpool/Trefonen, 22/5: Trefonen/Llangollen, 23/5: Llangollen/Clwyd Gate ( Druid Inn,Llanferres), 24/5; Clwyd Gate/Prestatyn. Bleesed with great weather bar a very wet afternoon into Kington and the following morning. After a very wet Spring, the heat had baked the ruts in the fields very hard which made what should have been the most easy pleasant stretches very hard on the ankles, hardest thing mentally was arriving in so many small villages expecting to find a small shop or pub for food to find they had closed in the past couple of years especially on my last very long day. Definitely a far more challenging walk than the West Highland Way which I had done in the 2 previous years. signage was good overall but there were a few large fields where I had to walk the whole lenghty field edge to find the exit point, dropping down to Bodfari was one such location I recall.

Dyddiad Cwblhau