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Burnham-on-Sea sits at the mouth of the River Parrett and the end of the second longest strip of sand in Europe. It is a town of surprises from its independent shops to its short pier and three lighthouses.
In the 19th century Burnham was fast becoming a popular seaside town and it owed much of its prosperity to George Reed. Born in Bristol in 1805, George moved here in 1841 and used his inherited wealth to begin improving the town. His achievements included creating the first Local Board of Health, which improved sanitation, bringing in clean piped water and gas, and perhaps his biggest improvement, bringing the railway to Burnham-on-Sea generating more visitors, trade and wealth.
Distance: 3.4 miles/5.5km
Duration: 1.5 - 2 hours
Map: OS Explorer 153: Weston-super-Mare & Bleadon Hill
Grade: Easy