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The Settle Loop is a 10 mile circular route that can be started and finished in Settle or joined from surrounding areas such as Malham and Stainforth. The circular loop offers stunning views of the Yorkshire Dales on foot, by bike or horse. You can find out more in the leaflet.
The loop climbs out of the picturesque town of Settle into the Yorkshire Dales National Park and traverses a wonderful limestone upland before descending back towards Settle. The trail incorporates open grassy stretches, limestone outcrops, grass/gravel paths and quiet winding lanes.
There is plenty of car parking in Settle, and you can also reach the town by train or bus. Parking for horse boxes and trailers is possible in Greenfoot car park in Settle. There is also designated parking for horse boxes and trailers in the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority car park in Stainforth. To reach the Settle Loop from Stainforth, simply follow the Pennine Bridleway signs via Goat Scar Lane.
Find this route on Outdooractive as a walking route and cycling route and follow using GPS mapping or download a copy of the Settle Loop leaflet here.