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Find out what the old Somerset words ‘vuz-pig’ (pronounced vuuz’pig) and ‘galligaskins’ (pronounced gyaal-igaas-keenz) refer to and what antics the RAF were practising over the old harbour ruins of Lilstock.
Welcome to the Lilstock Storywalk on the England Coast Path. Storywalks offer a skimming stone of facts, myth, history and tales linked to location. Using a smart phone they are designed to be read aloud to family and friends to embellish your experience of the walk. All directions are provided on screen during the walk. For more information about Storywalks download the Storywalks leaflet here.
Start Point: Lilstock Car Park, Steart Marshes, TA5 1SU
Route: from Lilstock car park this circular trail starts at the beach then follows the cliff westwards before looping back inland past the hidden gem of Lilstock church.
Distance: 2 miles/3.5km
Duration: 2 hours at an amble
Story: Heritage and Nature
Access: This walk is on gravel paths, pebble beach, headland trail and a short section on country lanes.