Photograph on Minehead Head - A Vowels
Minehead harbour-re-opens in 1951
Photograph of Rosemary Baring - Somerset Heritage Centre

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In the Higher Town uncover the scandal surrounding Mother Leaky, find out who is buried in the church yard and where the secret nook called ‘smugglers doom' was located. In the Middle Town you discover the old alms houses, which literally arrived on a storm, how the great fire of Minehead came to pass in 1791 and the spectacle of the first aeroplane to land on Minehead sands. Quay Town is the home of smuggling tales and maritime history, the tale of the stolen boy and the silvery catch that brought prosperity and international trade to the town.

Welcome to the Minehead Hidden History Storywalks on the England Coast Path. The three trails explore the history of Minehead and its people. The Higher Town Trail rises above Minehead and climbs to the old thatched cottages that line the narrow streets where little has changed in a hundred years, while the Middle Town Trail journey's into the heart of Minehead and the Quay Town Trail heads to the harbour to uncover the location of Minehead's inland lagoon.

Storywalks offer a skimming stone of facts, myth, history and tales linked to location. Using a smart phone they are designed to be read aloud to family and friends to embellish your experience of the walk. All directions are provided on screen during the walk. For more information about Storywalks download the Storywalks leaflet here.

Start Points:
Higher Town Trail
- South West Coast Path sculpture, Minehead  TA24 5UJ
Middle Town Trail -  outside Minehead Visitor Centre opposite the railway station, Minehead TA24 5AP
Quay Town Trail - Blenheim Gardens, Minehead TA24 5PZ

Distance:  three walks of less than 1 mile/1.4km each
Duration:  allow 45 minutes at an amble for each walk
Story:  Heritage

Access:  The Middle and Quay Town walks are on level pavements and paths throughout and classed suitable for wheels. The Higher Town walk includes some steep hills and some steps (although these can be by-passed), so while suitable for some wheels it may not be suitable for everyone.


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These walks were created with support from Minehead Bid, Minehead Bay, the Minehead Development Trust, The Minehead Vision Project, and West Somerset District Council