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The Thames Valley Cycle route passes through some of the most picturesque landscapes in England, not to mention beautiful cities, market towns and villages best appreciated by bike. Explore the Beech woodlands and the swooping Red Kites of the Chiltern Hills, the 1000 acres of serene lakes, gardens and woodlands of Windsor Great Park, or navigate the cycling city of Oxford, surrounded by the charming market towns of Wallingford, Abingdon and Thame. Many of the routes are flat, traffic-free and family friendly, but you can have more of a challenge by winding your way through the Chiltern Hills on quiet country lanes.

The Thames Valley Cycle Route map is available from Sustrans and includes National Route 4 between Hungerford and Reading on the Kennet & Avon Canal route. The route continues from Reading to Weybridge on the Thames Valley cycle route via Maidenhead, Windsor and Staines. Updated 3rd edition contains an additional panel showing the route continuing into London as far as Putney Bridge. It also includes National Route 5 between Reading and Oxford - it passes along the Thames Valley cycle route follows the northern half of the Thames Valley cycle route crossing the Chiltern Hills and passing through Wallingford, Didcot and Abingdon.