inside the cave with calcite formations
inside the cave with calcite formations
inside the cave with calcite formations
inside the cave with calcite formations
inside the cave with calcite formations
inside the cave with calcite formations
view of cave
inside the cave
inside the cave
inside the cave
inside the cave

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Ingleborough Cave, in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales National Park, was first discovered in 1837 by brave Victorian explorers who drained away a lake and went on to discover 1/2km of previously unexplored passages delving deep beneath Ingleborough mountain with only candles to guide them! Today, the cave is well lit, and you can follow in the footsteps of those pioneers on an awe-inspiring voyage of discovery! A concrete footpath leads visitors past breath-taking stalactites, stalagmites and flowstones, as you are led by expert guides through a kilometre of passages brought to life by formations and artefacts dating back millions of years! The significant impact of the Ice Age is visible, and as recently as 2002 the tooth of a woolly rhinoceros, now long extinct, was discovered just beyond the show cave! 

Attraction details

Ingleborough Cave, Clapham cum Newby, Craven District, North Yorkshire, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, LA2 8EE, United Kingdom