Steam train on the Welshpool and Llanfair Light Railway

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A 16 mile return journey by narrow gauge steam train through beautiful Mid Wales countryside between Welshpool and Llanfair.

Opened in 1903 to link the market town of Welshpool to the rural community of Llanfair Caereinion, this 2 foot 6 inch narrow gauge steam railway now provides a tourist service for all the family and a welcome change from the rush of everyday life. Built as a Light Railway to avoid some of the costs of railway construction, the narrow gauge allows for tight curves and steep gradients, enabling the line to follow the contours of the countryside. Most of our trains are steam hauled, either by one of our unique original locomotives or one from abroad. The carriages too are special; those in regular use being from Hungary and Austria with access to the enclosed seating area via an open balcony - a great way to watch the world go by.

From the open balconies of our unique Hungarian and Austrian coaches you will see the beautiful mid Wales countryside roll slowly by as you travel into the delightful Banwy Valley.

Visit the Welshpool & Llanfair Light Railway website for further details and timetables.

Attraction details

Welshpool Raven Square station, Welshpool, Powys, Wales, SY21 7LT