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A diversion will be in place on the Pennine Bridleway in the Yorkshire Dales near Garsdale Head from 22nd July to 3rd September 2024 to allow essential road and river embankment repairs to take place at Hazelgill, Mallerstang.  The B6259 between Thrang and Hazelgill, which forms part of the Pennine Bridleway National Trail, will be closed to all traffic, pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders for the duration of the works.

Please note, this diversion route includes stiles.

Heading northwards from Garsdale Head, trail users on foot are advised to remain on the trail until it joins the B6259 north of the diversion.   Head north along the B6259 for 50 metres and then follow the track on your left downhill and over the bridge.  Take the footpath signed on your left heading back south adjacent to the road and continue across the fields until you rejoin the Pennine Bridleway at Hazelgill.

Heading southwards from Hazelgill, take the footpath across the fields heading northwards and adjacent to the road.  Where the footpath meets the track, turn left and continue uphill to the B6259.  Head south on the B6259 for 50 metres before rejoining the Pennine Bridleway on your left.

An alternative route is available for horse riders and cyclists.