The New Inn Kidmore End

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The New Inn is a family run pub and hotel in the picturesque village of Kidmore End.

Situated in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, we have six boutique bedrooms, offering rustic country charm and the home-from-home comfort of a traditional inn.

The traditional bar is open seven days a week and offers a rotating selection of real ales, a concise list of superb wines & spirits, and most importantly a warm welcome to all.

Our kitchen offers a variety of menu’s every day of the week and is open for lunch & dinner.

Along with our fantastic daily offering we do also cater for a range of events and celebrations. If you are planning a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary, christening etc we have both external and internal private spaces which can be tailored for your requirments.

Accommodation details

Pub, Hotel
Ashleigh Hawkins
RG4 9AS, Chalkhouse Green Road, Kidmore End, South Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom


Adapted toilets
Dogs welcome
En suite facilities
Evening meals available
Laundry facilities
Luggage transport service
Packed lunches provided
Pick up service
Wheelchair access
Wifi available