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River Cottage in Litlington and is on the South Downs Way, we are approximately 2.5 hours walk from Eastbourne
We have two double rooms with a dedicated guest shower room/WC on the ground floor.
We also offer tent pitches, we only have space for 2 x 2/3 man tents. A fire pit is available(logs £5 per sack) and use of a shared shower room on the ground floor with WC.
The Plough and Harrow serves lunch and evening meals, and is approx. 50m along road.
The Hosts are Maggie & Tim are happy to advise on local amenities.
Tea & coffee are provided in each room, but not breakfast, sorry.
Cadence Cycle Club is about 550m along roads they offer breakfast and various specialist coffees.
Litlington Cadence — Cadence Cycle Club
Sorry no muddy dogs :(
Please give us a ring to make a booking.