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A family and dog friendly village pub with great food, ales and rooms, in the pretty village of Old Sodbury close to both Bristol and Bath. The Dog Inn is over 500 years old and retains all it’s character and charm and a great beer garden too!
We have four lovely rooms which have all been recently refurbished to a high standard. All the rooms are located to the rear of the pub, leading into the garden and our delicious breakfast is served in the pub. A full English breakfast is included in all of our prices.
The Dog Inn really is the perfect place to spend quality time with family and friends as we always have something special on offer – keep warm by the fire when it is cold outside, while in summer you and the kids will enjoy our large beer garden and children’s play area.
We offer a traditional menu of good honest pub food with lots of classic favourites and we also serve a great quality fresh fish board with a choice of fantastic fish dishes. All our fish and meat is sourced locally and our fruit and veg comes from Ian’s on the High Street in Chipping Sodbury. All our delicious dishes are freshly prepared to your individual order and we also offer a lunchtime light menu for smaller appetites.