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Cycle Brighton – Cycle Hire & Tours

Cycle Brighton is Brighton’s largest bike hire and tour company. Let us help you make the most of your visit to Brighton - see more of the city, the coastline and the South Downs by bike.

Wide range of bikes available – we have a wide range of bikes to hire including popular hybrid bikes, mountain bikes, road bikes and city bikes. We even have electric bikes!

Bikes for all the family – we have bikes for all the family, male and female in different sizes and bikes for children, as well as tag-a-longs and baby seats.

Not sure where to go? – if you are visiting Brighton and not sure where to go then we have developed a fantastic range of self –guided routes . Ride along the coast to the pretty village of Rottingdean, try a more challenging route across the South Downs or discover the city beyond the seafront.

Competitive rates – the daily rate for most of our bikes is £15 (£10 half day). We have discounts for groups, longer term hire and children’s bikes.

Group bookings welcome  - Cycle Brighton is happy to help you organise a great cycling event. We cater for corporate and fund raising events, language schools, hen & stag parties or just a group of friends wanting to have fun on bikes.

Conveniently located – Cycle Brighton is located at Hove Station, a great place to pick up your bike,  It’s well served by public transport,including direct trains from Victoria as well as being only 3 minutes by train from Brighton Station. There are lots of recognised cycle routes close by making your day both safer and enjoyable.

Visit our website or call 01273 567733 for more information.

Service details

Cycle Hire, Cycling Services
86 Ethel Street, Hove, BN3 3LL