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Just 10 minutes down from the trail, 1 Rodmell House (ground floor of a handsome converted granary) offers ultra comfortable B&B accommodation, next to the old forge in the centre of the attractive village of Rodmell - for walkers, cyclists - and anyone looking for a welcome in the beautiful Ouse valley.
Entry is via Lorna's garden patio (around to the rear of the House). Ease off your boots and relax with a mug of tea. Luxuriate in a hot shower and catch up with wi-fi if wished. Good Food and Ale can be had in the Abergavenny Arms opposite..... and there's a feast of a breakfast to look forward to in the morning. Various diets can be catered for and packed lunches provided next day (please mention your needs when booking).
......Infact you may be tempted to linger here another night or two..... With Virginia Woolf's House and Garden in the village, a host of interesting walks locally, historic Lewes, Charleston and Newhaven (with ferry link to France) nearby, and Brighton a short train ride away - there is plenty to warrant staying longer.