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Tollergate, a listed cottage on three levels dating from the eighteenth century, is in the old part of Scarborough near the Castle and both North and South Bays. Scarborough has many attractions which include a fishing harbour, marina, lovely coastline, bars, cafes and restaurants on the seafront.
- Size: Sleeps up to 6, 3 bedrooms
- Nearest beach: Less than 1 mile
- Nearest amenities: Less than 1 mile
- Pets: No pets allowed
- Short breaks: Available at this property
- Smoking: Not allowed at this property
- Rooms: 3 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, dining room
- Beds: King size bed, 2 single beds, 2 bunk beds
- Luxuries: Flat screen 32 inch digital TV and DVD player, radio/CDplayer, Wi-fi, MP3 docking station, 3 TV/DVD players
- General: Gas central heating, coal-effect gas fire
- Utilities: Ceramic hob and fan oven, microwave, fridge, washing machine, freezer, dishwasher
- Standard: Kettle, toaster, iron
- Other: Bed linen, towels provided. Travel cot, highchair, stairgate, booster seat available on request. Short breaks not accepted at peak times
- Outdoors:Sheltered courtyard garden
- Parking: Parking for two to three cars