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This spacious former joiners workshop offers 4 star luxurious accommodation in the heart of Hadrian’s Wall country.
The entrance hall leads to a large, well equipped kitchen with breakfast bar continuing to a stylish open plan dining/living room. There are three double bedrooms (one en-suite ) all with countryside views, a luxury family bathroom with bath and power shower. To the rear of the property, is a raised patio area with Garden furniture seating 6 people, and off road parking.
Alpha Rise is situated on the outskirts of Gilsland, a village set in beautiful dramatic countryside on the border between Northumberland and Cumbria. Alpha Rise is an ideal base to explore the central section of Hadrian’s Wall and enjoy the taste of rural village life within easy reach of Birdoswald, Vindolanda and Housesteads Roman Fort. This peaceful village has two Pubs, Gilsland Spa Hotel and Megs Tea rooms.v