Anna's Walk Thornham
Annas House Norfolk Coast Hotel
Norfolk Coastal path B&B
Luxury B&B Near Norfolk Coast path
Boutique Norfolk Coast Hotel
Annas House Hotel Thornham
Norfolk Coast hotel
Annas House Thornham
Accomodation at Norfolk Walkers hotel

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Anna’s House is the starting point for a popular Norfolk trail, Anna’s Walk. This is an easy 5 mile circular coastal walk that was highlighted by The Sunday Times in January 2023 as one of 'The Best UK Winter Beach Walks'. The trail takes in woodland, salt marsh, The Holme Dunes reserve and beach as well as the old harbour at Thornham and the village itself. Anna’s Walk is well signed and also benefits from many notable places to explore or seek some refreshments along the way. Holme Dunes Reserve also has a notable bird observatory.

Today, Anna’s House is a stylish hotel B&B just off  the Norfolk Coast path in the village of Thornham. The village has five pubs and restaurants and a rural market within a short walk of the property as well as a deli which makes up packed lunches for walkers.

Close to the old harbour and Holmes Dunes beach. A good place for also exploring the national trails of the Peddars Way and the Norfolk Coast Path. The property is on the Norfolk Coastliner bus route so you can walk out all day and then return using this shuttle service.

Accommodation details

Pip Barber
High Street, Thornham, King's Lynn and West Norfolk, Norfolk, East of England, England, PE36 6LX, United Kingdom
5 – from £115


Bike wash facility
Dogs welcome
En suite facilities
Luggage transport service
Secure cycle storage
Wifi available