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Apartment No. 6 is a delightful place to stay, built from local stone it provides good quality ground floor accommodation on the outskirts of Alston with its cobblestone streets, heritage architecture and artisan shops. Alston Moor's location in an AONB between the Lake District and Hadrian's Wall make it a wonderful base from which to explore. It is perfect for walkers since Alston is a Walkers Are Welcome town very close to the Pennine Way and many other walking routes. There are no crowds, few cars, beautiful dramatic moors & fells and endless places to tour, explore, walk, fish or cycle.
Sleeps 2 – 4. Open all year. Short breaks all year. Special offers. No Smoking. No pets.
Recently renovated Apt. No. 6 is comfortable and wonderfully peaceful. Sleeping one or two couples it is furnished in a contemporary country style. During your stay you will enjoy blissfully restful kingsize beds, HD tv, free WiFi. fully equipped kitchen, secluded garden, complementary toiletries, local produce to sample. Rooms at the front of the property enjoy views to the Pennine Fells whilst the bedrooms overlook the private garden.
Cycle storage and private parking outside the property. Ample towels and bedlinen included. Excellent services in Alston including TIC, supermarkets, garages, pharmacy, pubs, restaurants, cafes, craft shops & galleries, walking shop, vintage museum and steam railway. Do visit our website and email us for a FREE information pack tailored to your interests..
Escape to a beautiful pace of life. – Alston:Cumbria