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Elegantly furnished former vicarage set in large, award-winning, terraced gardens. Ample private parking within grounds, 5 Star Gold Award. Warm, friendly welcome with expert local knowledge.
Single, Double, Twin & Family en-suite rooms. Luxury 4-Poster Suite and 2 bedroom family suite. Also a beautiful 2 bedroom apartment with private lounge and kitchen. Undercover, secure storage for cycles, motorcycles and classic cars.
Extensive breakfast choice served in our beautiful dining-room overlooking the garden and the hills beyond. Self Service starters and a wide range of high quality cooked options served at your table using local produce wherever possible.
Conveniently situated on the southern edge of our small market town, yet only 200m from the market square. The perfect base from which to explore Hadrian's Wall, Lake District, Scottish Borders, Northumberland coast.