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Our spacious and secluded camp site is surrounded by natural beech woodland in the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It is extremely quiet, away from any residential or commercial properties. As soon as you arrive you know you are in the heart of the countryside, yet there is easy access from the M5 and M4. The Cotswold Way passes less than a mile from the site - ideal for an overnight stop or base.
If you are looking for some peaceful time away from it all you will be happy on the site and wandering in the woods that surround it. If you want other attractions there is plenty of choice without travelling far.
We can cater for individuals, families and groups.
The well-sheltered site is made up of level and gently sloping park land, surrounded by natural woodland. Totalling over 50 acres, there is plenty of space for all the family to relax and for the children to roam free. Our all-grass pitches are suitable for caravans, motorhomes, trailer tents and tents.
- Newly fitted toilet block with the very latest Franke shower system.
- Communal room with wood-burning stove, under-floor heating and somewhere to charge your phone.
- Washing up facilities and chemical toilet disposal point.
- Fire pits and logs are available.
- Family dogs are welcome.
The New Inn, Waterley Bottom is a short walk from the site. There is a general store 1½ miles away, open 7 days and bank holidays.
Dursley Sculpture and Play Trail - Directly opposite the site entrance. The mosaics, sculptures and structures add extra interest to a family walk.
We are open all year, but booking is essential. Contact us by email or phone.
OS Map Reference: ST760966
Landranger: 162
Latitude: 51.6687 Longitude: -2.3483