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The Bantam Tea Rooms and Guest House is a traditional English Tea Room that offers excellent bed and breakfast accommodation. We are nestled in the heart of the historic market town of Chipping Campden.
The Bantam Tea Rooms was built in 1693 and directly overlooks the 17th Century Market Hall. The Bantam is situated on the High Street amongst beautifully preserved listed buildings of golden Cotswold stone, many of which date between the 14th and 17th century.
Double, twin & single bedded rooms in delightful character accommodation
Our stylish en-suite rooms are tastefully decorated with a comfortable and cosy feel. There is a peaceful, private guest lounge (see above) and throughout the winter months you can enjoy your delicious breakfast by our roaring log fire. Our rooms enjoy wonderful views of Chipping Campden.
We have recently added two new rooms on the ground floor, as well as our superbly renovated two floor bothy which is for longer stays.
It is worth noting that residents at the Bantam also benefit from free parking in our private parking area at the rear of the tea rooms.