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Situated in the village of Lower Shiplake and on the Thames Path The Baskerville it is just a short walk or train ride to the historic town of Henley on Thames. The Baskerville is the perfect blend of a traditional family run village pub, and award winning restaurant and very comfortable accommodation.The bar with 4 cask ales on tap is CAMRA listed and  also offers a choice of over 40 malt whiskies. This is the perfect place to meet the locals or to relax with a drink before dinner.

The restaurant which has an AA Dinner Award offers a modern British cuisine with continental and eastern influences in a rrelaxed and informal atmosphere. Menus evolve with the seasons with dishes simply cooked and sympathetically flavoured using fresh, locally and organiucally sourced produce. To compliment your meal we have a wine list of over 60 bins. The bar and restaurant are warm and cosy in the winter with roaring log fires and cool and airy in the summer. Full resturant service is offered in our beautifully maintain garden during the summer months.

You will be assured of a warm welcome by our friendly, efficient and knowledgeable staff who will do their utmost ot make sure your stay with us is a very pleasant experience. And before you leave we will set you on your way with our award winning breakfast.



Accommodation details

Mr Allan Hannah
Station Road, Lower Shiplake, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 3NY
4 ensuite – £89 single, £99 double. £119 family


Dogs welcome
En suite facilities
Evening meals available
Luggage transport service
Packed lunches provided
Pick up service
Pick up bike service
Secure cycle storage
Wifi available