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This 17th Century Cotswold stone-built pub overlooks the village green and duck pond in the centre of the picturesque village of Willersey, often described as the most beautiful and natural village in the Cotswolds, giving it a timeless character. The village is a past winner of the Best Kept Village competition.
Originally called the Blue Bell Inn, the Bell is set opposite the beautiful Pool Farm House and Sawpit Green. The village’s early English church lies just up the lane, with Norman remains and panoramic views from its churchyard.
The Bell is a genuine Cotswold country pub with home produced foods, traditional cask ales, fine wines and comfortable bedrooms. There are five bedrooms, Victorian in style and tastefully decorated with beautiful, elegant furnishings. Situated in our Courtyard they are the finest in traditional style and quality to ensure your stay is a memorable one. Choose from Doubles, Twins, spacious Family Room, or for special occasions you could enjoy our Four Poster or the Deluxe suites. All rooms are en-suite with baths and shower, and have king-size beds, flat screen televisions, radio alarm clocks, hairdryers and tea / coffee hospitality trays.
Rates are per room, per night inclusive os a Full English Breakfast and VAT. All rooms are en-suite each with a bath and shower, king size beds, remote colour television, hair dryer, and tea & coffee making facilities. Our bedrooms have been awarded four stars and are situated in our courtyard.
Set between Chipping Campden and Broadway, Willersey offers the perfect location for touring, whether by car, bicycle or on foot. Within easy travelling distance of many interesting places to visit, including Shakespeare Country, Stratford-upon-Avon, Cheltenham, Worcester and Warwick.
Centred on the gentle slopes of the Cotswold Hills, this beautiful area is famous for the tranquility of its villages, many scarcely altered since they grew up on the prosperity of the medieval wool trade. The greater part of the Cotswolds lies in Gloucestershire, but it also reaches into Worcestershire and Oxfordshire.