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Set in the picturesque and quaint village of Selsley, The Bell Inn is a 16th Century grade two listed, Cotswold Inn. Your friendly country pub with rooms. We are here to give you a true taste of the Cotswolds and all that it has to offer. Serving real ales, locally-sourced food and seasonal game. Whether catching up with friends in our bar, settling down for a traditional Sunday lunch or enjoying a delicious country escape – come and soak up some country life with us.
Meet, unwind and celebrate in classic country style.
We also offer gin related events in our Gin Tasting room.
We love getting people together over great food and drink and have plenty of beautiful spaces to host your meeting or special occasion including a private dining room for dinner parties of up to 14 guests. Whether an awe-inspiring talk, a blissful summer’s garden party or a bespoke dinner for that special someone, whatever you need just get in touch and we’ll be happy to help make your event go without a hitch. We also offer outside catering including private dinner parties and weddings.