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Belle Vue (Beautiful View) Barn is actually a barn conversion, and now forms a perfect holiday cottage in Huddersfield, dating back to the 1800’s it has been converted into a cosy holiday let, with lots of character retaining the original dry stone walls and beams.
Belle Vue (Beautiful View) Barn is actually a barn conversion, and now forms a perfect holiday cottage in Huddersfield, dating back to the 1800’s it has been converted into a cosy holiday let, with lots of character retaining the original dry stone walls and beams.
The Pennine Way National Trail is a 268 mile (429 Km) walking route from Edale in Derbyshire to Kirk Yetholm in the Scottish Borders. It crosses some of the finest upland landscapes in England, from the Peak District, through the Yorkshire Dales, across the North Pennines and over Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland to the Cheviots.
Our Huddersfield holiday let is within a mile of the 2015 Tour De France route and a perfect stop over for cyclists who want to cycle the route. We now have Tesla and Universal (Type 2) electric car charging points available free of charge to guests. The barn provides self-catering accommodation for up to a family of four (children are welcome) or two couples and is open all year round.