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A 50 bedroom designer limited service hotel on Eastbourne's seafront, offering fantastic value for money, great sea views and exciting new horizons in interior design.
The hotel is beautifully located for both holiday makers and business travellers alike. Families love the spacious family rooms and studio apartments.
The hotel is Wi-Fi compliant throughout in all public areas and bedrooms but a small charge is made, however free internet access is available for laptops from our internet station in the recreation area. We are a non-smoking hotel.
Rates are quoted at per room per night and includes continental buffet breakfast with a traditional English breakfast available at a supplement. All are en-suite, some with wet areas and each has a flat screen TV with Sky Sports. Tea and Coffee making facilities, Direct dial telephone and chargeable WIFI internet access
Featuring a diverse assortment of bedrooms to suit everyone's budget, including singles, doubles, twins, group, family, suites and a dedicated disabled access room.