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Bosayne is a family run eco-friendly B&B and holds a Gold Award with the Green Tourism Business Scheme. Bosayne is a Carbon Neutral business and is proud to be a Business sponsor for Cornwall Wildlife Trust.
With a variety of room types each comfortably furnished and equipped with digital TVs, hospitality tray stocked with Fairtrade products, i-Pod dock radio-alarm clock, Faith in Nature toiletries, mini-coolers, towels, hairdryer and complimentary WiFi connection.
We offer hearty breakfasts using local, ethically sourced, organic and homemade produce. Vegetarian options are always available.
To the front of Bosayne is breath-taking coastal scenery, set in the historic village of Tintagel – legendary birthplace of King Arthur. Bosayne is a good base to explore all that Cornwall has to offer.
The front garden is great for watching the sun setting over the ocean or just relaxing with a good book to hand
Coastal Path walkers can take advantage of our baggage transfer options. We also have lockable storage for cyclists.
Bosayne is open all year except Christmas.