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Brook House B&B, situated in the Cotswold village of Broadway, offers Bed and Breakfast with the guest accommodation set out in a detached Victorian style house (1910) with large, tastefully decorated rooms.
There are five bedrooms-3 en suite. Each room has thermostatically controlled central heating, with a hospitality tray with tea, coffee and biscuits. All bedrooms have an LCD TV with freeview - two with DVDs built in. Hair dryers are also provided.
A locally sourced full English breakfast is provided with a superb choice of menu. Vegetarians can also be catered for, or a continental breakfast offered if preferred.
We offer free fibre broadband WIFI and free parking throughout your stay and are situated just 5 minutes walk from Broadway village centre.
Brook House has had excellent reviews from Late Rooms and Trip Advisor. Please contact us directly for availability and prices.