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Highly praised B&B Accommodation on Hadrian’s Wall Trail at Gilsland near Birdoswald Fort. We have been awarded 5* Tripadvsior Excellence awards every year 2012 to 2016. We are at the very heart of Hadrian’s Wall Country and 5 minutes walk to Gilsland - a village on the River Irthing that straddles Cumbria and Northumberland. Red Beck – our “Brook” – forms the boundary of our peaceful garden. Ideal as a base for touring, walking, cycling and fishing. We are 0.25 miles from the Roman Wall Trail between Birdoswald Fort and Willowford. We have a licensed bar ,restaurant and convivial guest lounge. Dedicated to serving walkers and cyclists, we offer packed lunches, drying room, and laundry. Please reserve a table for evening meal on booking