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Situated right on the South West Coastal Path above Penberth Cove between Lamorna and Porthcurno we are in a perfect location for those walking the path a day at a time and need a place to stay enroute. We are one of only a view bed and breakfast locations on the path that offer one night stays if required. Perched on the hill above Penberth Cove our rooms offer panoramic views across the bay. Views stretching from the Lizard Lighthouse to Longships off Lands End. Simply stunning whatever the time of year or weather.
Our rooms are all ensuite and beautifully presented, a luxury room to rest your weary tired body after a day of hiking. We offer an extensive buffet style breakfast and as a family home and working farm a warm friendly welcome awaits you.
We are located not far from fantatsic pubs and restaurants where you can dine of an evening with a fab local taxi company able to drop off and collect to make the most of your time here. We also work with many luggage transfer companies so your luggage can be here waiting for your arrival. We also cater for cycling holidays and longer stays.
Call us or check our wesbite for availablity and prices.
01736 811091