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We live in a lovely, comfortable family home at Saddlescombe Farm, right in the heart of the South Downs National Park. Enjoy beautiful views from your bedroom window of the South Downs, and from some parts of the farm you can see the sea. Our farm is part of the Devils Dyke estate which is owned and managed by the National Trust. The South Downs Way runs right through the heart of the farm, so our Bed and Breakfast offers the perfect stop off for walkers or explorers of this beautiful area.
We offer one double bedroom and one twin bedroom, both rooms share the same downstairs private bathroom.
- Double occupancy £70 for one night, £60 per night for 2 nights or more
- Single occupancy £50 for one night, £45 per night for 2 nights or more
We have a family dog called Boris who is very friendly. We do allow dogs but they must be well behaved and good with little children.