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Back to Basics Camping at Coney Acres
Nestled in the South Downs in a corner at the bottom of Butser Hill we have a beautiful, peaceful piece of land that is perfect for an overnight stay whilst walking the South Downs way or an event.
Within the park we have an assault course, a children play area, miles of woody walks and three mountain bike trails.
Non-electric grass pitches for tents only (one tent per pitch, up to 8 people).
Please be aware there are limited facilities in the camping field:
- Portaloo
- Large BBQ hearth (for use by campers only)
The following facilities are available at the Visitor Centre (approx. 5-10 minute walk from the camping field):
- Drinking water tap (located behind the Visitor Centre)
- Toilets - open from 8am to 5pm
- Beechwood Kitchen café - open 10am to 5pm weekdays and 9am to 5pm at weekends
Within the park we also have an assault course, a children’s play area, miles of walks and mountain bike trails. All terrain mobility scooters are available to hire from the Visitor Centre (contact the park to book) and e-bikes from the Southern eBikes Rentals base at the park (pre-book online).