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Carbis Bay Holidays is home to some of the most beautiful self catering cottages in St Ives.
Based in Carbis Bay, a village of St Ives in Cornwall, we have over 100 stunning properties to let from contemporary apartments to houses with hot tubs and villas on the beach. Many of our properties have facilities to dry outdoor clothing and footwear and locked covered bike storgage. Just ask!
Every one of our holiday cottages is carefully selected by us to match up to our high standards. All of Carbis Bay Holidays lets are assessed and then annually inspected by an independent VisitEngland inspector to ensure our quality is maintained.
We believe there is no substitute for local knowledge and experience, which is why we are based in Carbis Bay amongst out holiday rentals. Our team therefore have first hand knowledge of the area and the holiday accommodation that we represent.
To find your perfect holiday cottage, please see our website or call us to speak to one of our knowledgeable team members.