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Cassia is a bespoke Shepherd’s Hut, constructed August 2021. Situated on Stockland marshes it is perfect for walking and bird watching, a quiet retreat to get away from it all. The coast is a five-minute drive away.
This area boasts one of the UK’s largest new wetland reserves, providing habitat for a mix of wetland wildlife, including otters, wildfowl, owls and waders. Migrating birds are an attraction and varied wildlife including dear can often be spotted.
Finished to a high standard with luxury bedding and towels from Portugal, there is a certified log burner with firewood supplied, plus central heating, fully insulated with sheep’s wool for those cold winter nights. There is a cooker, hob and fridge and, for those very warm evenings, there is a fan and an air cooler available.
Cassia has its own toilet and shower and a small private patio with table and chairs. Tea, coffee and some milk are provided. Cassia has its own internet connection, but this can be unpredictable out here in the country.
Opposite Cassia there is another holiday let The Snug which can also be booked if you want to travel with friends.
There is ample parking and use of the owner’s garden, plus a small patio area at the front of the hut for your own personal use.