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Set in rural Sussex, in the shadow of the South Downs, this exceptional family run free house is a joy to behold.
In Bramber village (Best kept village in South East England multiple years) The Castle Inn Hotel sits in magnificent splendour. The front of the Inn is bathed in glorious summer hanging baskets, meticulously cared for.
To the rear is an English garden that, quite literally, takes your breath away. Packed with almost every plant imaginable for a garden there are a few surprises in store, such as the Strawberry and Tomato plants that seemingly go unnoticed until their juicy red fruit appears. Tranquillity best describes the atmosphere as you sit back and relax, only to be replaced by awe and wonder as Mr. and Mrs. Swan glide effortlessly passed on the stream, not five feet away, with their half a dozen signets.
Inside the Inn there is "Olde Worlde" furnishing, and an exquisitely kept bar. Boasting some very fine ales and an even more impressive wine list there is something to keep everybody happy, from the connoisseur to the casual drinker. The Landlord keeps a perfect cellar which is reflected by the success the family have had in a twenty-something year, three pub career.
Steyning is a small town and, with the South Downs landscape and charming local architecture as a stunning backdrop, it is certainly one of the most picturesque in Sussex. The town has a cheerful, vibrant community, a host of interesting shops, the award-winning Cobblestone walk and country pubs and fine restaurants aplenty. Steyning is also the perfect place to explore the Downs, the Weald of central Sussex and the Adur Valley as well the famous Chanctonbury Ring, the Iron Age hill fort at Cissbury Ring and the many lanes and footpaths that link the Downs, river and hamlets with the area’s ancient churches and inns