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The Chance is a Traditional family home offering Bed & Breakfast accommodation to guests in the beautiful North Cotswold Medieval Market town of Chipping Campden.
We currently have 2 guest rooms available, – our “Kiftsgate Room” which is in the house and our “Hidcote Room” which is accessed from our rear garden offering perhaps a little more privacy for guests as it is set away from the main house.
Both rooms share very similar facilities: Super King Size beds – 6ft/USA King (twin on request) silent fridge with complimentary fresh milk & bottled water, TV/DVD radio alarm, hairdryer and tea/coffee making facilities and free WIFI.
We also have 3 cottages in the heart of Chipping Campden which you may like to consider as an alternative to our B&B, with a minimum stay of 3 nights (*last minute 2 nights) for further details please visit: