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Chipping House is special because it is a ‘Home from Home’ for you, your family and your friends, all under one roof. Chipping House is the ideal house for large family parties and groups of friends. A beautiful Georgian dwelling on the Cotswolds Way, it is spacious with nooks and crannies for everyone to find their own niche to relax in. With stashes of books, games, toys, a piano, a music system… there is something for everyone to enjoy their stay. Over 200 years old, the house is steeped in history with architectural features such as ships’ beams.
- Sleeps 14
- Free wi-fi
- Children welcome
- Ensuite rooms
- Pretty Cotswolds town centre location
- Enclosed 85 feet garden
- Private off-road parking
- No pets - please contact the owner
- Hot Tub